Reitanlage Löbnitz – Reithallenboden
Preparation of the indoor riding arena surface at the Reitanlage Arndt in Löbnitz
Adjustment and filling of the arena surface with proground Allround and the ecora maintenance service.
- Year of implementation: 2017
- Nature of surface: uneven
- Area: approx. 1400 m²
- Construction time: 1 day
- Customer: Reitstall Arndt, Manuel Prause, 04509 Löbnitz
Project description
After the heavy use of the indoor riding arena footings in the previous winter months, the surface had to be properly leveled. Thanks to “Bob” Bernd Briese and his work machines with laser technology, the indoor riding arena could be quickly improved within a day. At the beginning, the footings were loosened. Then 50 tonnes of ecora sand proground Allround and additionally protex fibers were mixed in. Afterwards, the mixture was worked in well to the existing surface and distributed evenly in order to create a level surface. The result: the best, uniform riding comfort and training conditions across the whole arena surface.